Free Painting Estimates
Pinnacle Painting offers free estimates to all of our potential residential and commercial customers. There are no obligations and one of the owners (Jim or Sean) will meet with you personally to get a complete grasp of the scope of your project. Residential estimates typically take less than a ½ hour and can be set to fit the schedule of the customer. Things that will be discussed are time-frames, condition of the property, prep-work, colors, types of products and our application method. WE WILL NOT TRY TO HARD SELL YOU AT OUR ESTIMATES. We feel so strongly in the level of service that we provide, that we recommend getting multiple quotes from other painters. We will give you honest feedback on any questions and have over 20 years of painting experience to back the quote.
Estimates are typically emailed to the customer with a list of recent painting references. We can provide specific addresses to look at exterior projects and provide worker’s comp and liability insurance certificates as well. We do offer discounts to certain group-affiliated individuals and repeat customers. We offer free residential and commerical painting estimates to the entire Indianapolis metro area including: Indianapolis, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, Noblesville, Geist, McCordsville, Fortville, Avon, Brownsburg, and Greenwood.